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Last.fm Dataset - 360K users

DOWNLOAD lastfm-dataset-360K.tar.gz (~543Mb)


 Version 1.2, March 2010

 . What is this?

    This dataset contains <user, artist, plays> tuples (for ~360,000 users) collected from Last.fm API,
    using the user.getTopArtists() method.

 . Files:

    usersha1-artmbid-artname-plays.tsv (MD5: be672526eb7c69495c27ad27803148f1)
    usersha1-profile.tsv               (MD5: 51159d4edf6a92cb96f87768aa2be678)
    mbox_sha1sum.py                    (MD5: feb3485eace85f3ba62e324839e6ab39)

 . Data Statistics:

    File usersha1-artmbid-artname-plays.tsv:

      Total Lines:           17,559,530
      Unique Users:             359,347
      Artists with MBID:        186,642
      Artists without MBID:     107,373

 . Data Format:

    The data is formatted one entry per line as follows (tab separated "\t"):

    File usersha1-artmbid-artname-plays.tsv:
      user-mboxsha1 \t musicbrainz-artist-id \t artist-name \t plays

    File usersha1-profile.tsv:
      user-mboxsha1 \t gender (m|f|empty) \t age (int|empty) \t country (str|empty) \t signup (date|empty)

 . Example:

      000063d3fe1cf2ba248b9e3c3f0334845a27a6be \t a3cb23fc-acd3-4ce0-8f36-1e5aa6a18432 \t u2 \t 31

      000063d3fe1cf2ba248b9e3c3f0334845a27a6be \t m \t 19 \t Mexico \t Apr 28, 2008

 . License:

    The data contained in lastfm-dataset-360K.tar.gz is distributed with permission of Last.fm. 
    The data is made available for non-commercial use.
    Those interested in using the data or web services in a commercial context should contact: 

    partners [at] last [dot] fm

    For more information see Last.fm terms of service

 . Acknowledgements:

    Thanks to Last.fm for providing the access to this data via their web services. 
    Special thanks to Norman Casagrande.

 . References:

    When using this dataset you must reference the Last.fm webpage.

    Optionally (not mandatory at all!), you can cite Chapter 3 of this book

      	author = {Celma, O.},
      	title = {{Music Recommendation and Discovery in the Long Tail}},
       	publisher = {Springer},
       	year = {2010}

 . Contact:

    This data was collected by Òscar Celma @ MTG/UPF, during Fall 2008 and cleaned sometime during 2009