Algorithms ========== **pyrecsys** provides, *out of the box*, some basic algorithms based on matrix factorization. SVD --- **pyrecsys** makes use of `SVD`_ in order to decompose the input data (a matrix). Once the matrix is *reduced* into a lower dimensional space, **pyrecsys** can provide predictions, recommendations and similarity among the "elements" (being either users or items -it's just a matter of how you load the matrix data-). .. _`SVD`: Loading data ~~~~~~~~~~~~ How to load a dataset (e.g. `Movielens`_ 10M)? .. _`Movielens`: .. code-block:: python from recsys.algorithm.factorize import SVD filename = './data/movielens/ratings.dat' svd = SVD() svd.load_data(filename=filename, sep='::', format={'col':0, 'row':1, 'value':2, 'ids': int}) # About format parameter: # 'row': 1 -> Rows in matrix come from second column in ratings.dat file # 'col': 0 -> Cols in matrix come from first column in ratings.dat file # 'value': 2 -> Values (Mij) in matrix come from third column in ratings.dat file # 'ids': int -> Ids (row and col ids) are integers (not strings) Split a dataset (train and test): .. code-block:: python from import Data from recsys.algorithm.factorize import SVD filename = './data/movielens/ratings.dat' data = Data() format = {'col':0, 'row':1, 'value':2, 'ids': int} data.load(filename, sep='::', format=format) train, test = data.split_train_test(percent=80) # 80% train, 20% test svd = SVD() svd.set_data(train) Loading a file, executing external SVDLIBC program, and creating an SVD instance *svd*: .. code-block:: python from recsys.utils.svdlibc import SVDLIBC svdlibc = SVDLIBC('./data/movielens/ratings.dat') svdlibc.to_sparse_matrix(sep='::', format={'col':0, 'row':1, 'value':2, 'ids': int}) # Convert to sparse matrix format [] svdlibc.compute(k=100) svd = svdlibc.export() Computing ~~~~~~~~~ >>> K=100 >>> svd.compute(k=K, min_values=10, pre_normalize=None, mean_center=True, post_normalize=True, savefile=None) Parameters: *min_values*: remove those rows or columns (from the input matrix) that has less than 'min_values' non-zeros *pre_normalize*: normalize input matrix. Possible values are *tfidf*, *rows*, *cols*, *all*. **tfidf**: By default, treats the matrix as terms-by-documents. It's important, then, how the data is loaded. Use the *format* param in *svd.load_data()* to determine the order of the fields of the input file. **rows**: Rescales the rows of the input matrix so that they all have unit Euclidean magnitude **cols**: Rescales the columns of the input matrix so that they all have unit Euclidean magnitude **all**: Rescales the rows and columns of the input matrix, by dividing both the rows and the columns by the square root of their Euclidean norm *mean_center*: centering the input matrix (aka mean substraction) *post_normalize*: Normalize every row of :math:`U \Sigma` to be a unit vector. Thus, row similarity (using cosine distance) returns :math:`[-1.0 .. 1.0]` *savefile*: Output file to store SVD transformation (:math:`U, \Sigma, V^T` vectors) Predictions ~~~~~~~~~~~ To predict a *rating*, :math:`\hat{r}_{ui}`, SVD class reconstructs the original matrix, :math:`M^\prime = U \Sigma_k V^T` Then, >>> svd.predict(ITEMID, USERID, MIN_RATING=0.0, MAX_RATING=5.0) equals to: .. math:: \hat{r}_{ui} = M^\prime_{ij} Here are the RMSE and MAE values for the Movielens 10M dataset (Train: 8,000,043 ratings, and Test: 2,000,011), using 5-fold cross validation, and different K values or factors (10, 20, 50, and 100) for SVD: +-----------+--------+--------+--------+---------+ | K | **10** | **20** | **50** | **100** | +-----------+--------+--------+--------+---------+ | **RMSE** | 0.87224| 0.86774| 0.86557| 0.86628 | +-----------+--------+--------+--------+---------+ | **MAE** | 0.67114| 0.66719| 0.66484| 0.66513 | +-----------+--------+--------+--------+---------+ Recommendations ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Recommendations (i.e. unknown values in :math:`M_{ij}`) are also derived from :math:`M^\prime = U \Sigma_k V^T`. In this case, >>> svd.recommend(USERID, n=10, only_unknowns=True, is_row=False) returns the higher values (e.g. items that the user has not rated) of :math:`M^\prime_{i \cdot}` :math:`\forall_j{M_{ij}=\emptyset}`, whilst >>> svd.recommend(USERID, n=10, only_unknowns=False, is_row=False) returns the best items for the user Neighbourhood SVD ----------------- Classic Neighbourhood algorithm uses the ratings of the similar users (or items) to predict the values of the input matrix *M*. .. code-block:: python from recsys.algorithm.factorize import SVDNeighbourhood svd = SVDNeighbourhood() svd.load_data(filename=sys.argv[1], sep='::', format={'col':0, 'row':1, 'value':2, 'ids': int}) K=100 svd.compute(k=K, min_values=5, pre_normalize=None, mean_center=True, post_normalize=True) Predictions ~~~~~~~~~~~ The only difference with *plain* SVD is the way how it computes the predictions :math:`\hat{r}_{ui}` >>> svd.predict(ITEMID, USERID, weighted=True, MIN_VALUE=0.0, MAX_VALUE=5.0) To compute the prediction, it uses this equation (u=USERID, i=ITEMID): .. math:: \hat{r}_{ui} = \frac{\sum_{j \in S^{k}(i;u)} s_{ij} r_{uj}}{\sum_{j \in S^{k}(i;u)} s_{ij}} where :math:`S^k(i; u)` denotes the set of :math:`k` items rated by :math:`u`, which are most similar to :math:`i`. * To compute the :math:`k` items most similar to :math:`i`, it uses the *svd.similar(i)* method. Then it gets those items that user :math:`u` has already rated :math:`s_{ij}` is the similarity between :math:`i` and :math:`j`, computed using *svd.similarity(i, j)* Comparison ---------- For those who love RMSE, MAE and the like, here are some numbers comparing both SVD approaches. The evaluation uses the `Movielens`_ 1M ratings dataset, splitting the train/test dataset with ~80%-20%. .. _`Movielens`: .. note:: Computing svd k=100, min_values=5, pre_normalize=None, mean_center=True, post_normalize=True .. warning:: Because of *min_values=5*, some rows (movies) or columns (users) in the input matrix are removed. In fact, those movies that had less than 5 users who rated it, and those users that rated less than 5 movies are removed. Results ~~~~~~~ Movielens 1M dataset (number of ratings in the Test dataset: 209,908): +-----------+--------+----------------+ | | **SVD**| **SVD Neigh.** | +-----------+--------+----------------+ | **RMSE** | 0.91811| 0.875496 | +-----------+--------+----------------+ | **MAE** | 0.71703| 0.684173 | +-----------+--------+----------------+